We all know small business owners are squeezed for time. On a daily basis they’re managing a lot of taks at the same time. Usually there’s only limited time to step back and think about the future. Let alone set out a strategy for sustainable development. Deep down we all want to do business for good and we know it is good for business. The big challenge is to assess where you are now, get your team and stakeholders involved and create milestones on a roadmap to a sustainable business.
SME Innovators podcast – translating opportunity into next steps
Today I had a great conversation led by Roel Fooij with Gijs van de Linden of Business Games about how sustainable development is closer to you than you think. Most small business owners are far more inclusive and sustainable than they know. MKB Servicedesk’s podcast series is all about making complex concepts simple. Getting things done. That’s what running a small business is all about. To start with it is important to see where you are now and what’s coming next. Scanning the horizon using DESTEP (Demographic, Economic, Societal, Technological, Environmental and Political) you will definitely see the emerging trend towards a sustainable future.
As soon as the podcast is live I will update this post so stay tuned!